Issue: RC increases also when the block ref entry is first put by the actual client. At that point the client is probably already sending us the block content, so we don't need to do a get... We should add a delay before the task is added or find something to do.
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86 lines
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use err_derive::Error;
use hyper::StatusCode;
use std::io;
use crate::data::Hash;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error(display = "IO error: {}", _0)]
Io(#[error(source)] io::Error),
#[error(display = "Hyper error: {}", _0)]
Hyper(#[error(source)] hyper::Error),
#[error(display = "HTTP error: {}", _0)]
HTTP(#[error(source)] http::Error),
#[error(display = "Invalid HTTP header value: {}", _0)]
HTTPHeader(#[error(source)] http::header::ToStrError),
#[error(display = "TLS error: {}", _0)]
TLS(#[error(source)] rustls::TLSError),
#[error(display = "PKI error: {}", _0)]
PKI(#[error(source)] webpki::Error),
#[error(display = "Sled error: {}", _0)]
Sled(#[error(source)] sled::Error),
#[error(display = "Messagepack encode error: {}", _0)]
RMPEncode(#[error(source)] rmp_serde::encode::Error),
#[error(display = "Messagepack decode error: {}", _0)]
RMPDecode(#[error(source)] rmp_serde::decode::Error),
#[error(display = "JSON error: {}", _0)]
JSON(#[error(source)] serde_json::error::Error),
#[error(display = "TOML decode error: {}", _0)]
TomlDecode(#[error(source)] toml::de::Error),
#[error(display = "Timeout: {}", _0)]
RPCTimeout(#[error(source)] tokio::time::Elapsed),
#[error(display = "Tokio join error: {}", _0)]
TokioJoin(#[error(source)] tokio::task::JoinError),
#[error(display = "RPC error: {}", _0)]
#[error(display = "Bad request: {}", _0)]
#[error(display = "Not found")]
#[error(display = "Corrupt data: does not match hash {:?}", _0)]
#[error(display = "{}", _0)]
impl Error {
pub fn http_status_code(&self) -> StatusCode {
match self {
Error::BadRequest(_) => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
Error::NotFound => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
impl From<sled::TransactionError<Error>> for Error {
fn from(e: sled::TransactionError<Error>) -> Error {
match e {
sled::TransactionError::Abort(x) => x,
sled::TransactionError::Storage(x) => Error::Sled(x),
impl<T> From<tokio::sync::watch::error::SendError<T>> for Error {
fn from(_e: tokio::sync::watch::error::SendError<T>) -> Error {
Error::Message(format!("Watch send error"))