
Version: 0.6.0 Type: application AppVersion: v1.0.1

S3-compatible object store for small self-hosted geo-distributed deployments


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
deployment.kind string "StatefulSet" Switchable to DaemonSet
deployment.podManagementPolicy string "OrderedReady" If using statefulset, allow Parallel or OrderedReady (default)
deployment.replicaCount int 3 Number of StatefulSet replicas/garage nodes to start
environment object {}
extraVolumeMounts object {}
extraVolumes object {}
fullnameOverride string ""
garage.blockSize string "1048576" Defaults is 1MB An increase can result in better performance in certain scenarios
garage.bootstrapPeers list [] This is not required if you use the integrated kubernetes discovery
garage.compressionLevel string "1" zstd compression level of stored blocks
garage.dbEngine string "lmdb" Can be changed for better performance on certain systems
garage.existingConfigMap string "" if not empty string, allow using an existing ConfigMap for the garage.toml, if set, ignores garage.toml
garage.garageTomlString string "" String Template for the garage configuration if set, ignores above values. Values can be templated, see
garage.kubernetesSkipCrd bool false Set to true if you want to use k8s discovery but install the CRDs manually outside of the helm chart, for example if you operate at namespace level without cluster ressources
garage.replicationMode string "3" Default to 3 replicas, see the replication_mode section at
garage.rpcBindAddr string "[::]:3901"
garage.rpcSecret string "" If not given, a random secret will be generated and stored in a Secret object
garage.s3.api.region string "garage"
garage.s3.api.rootDomain string ".s3.garage.tld"
garage.s3.web.index string "index.html"
garage.s3.web.rootDomain string ".web.garage.tld"
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "dxflrs/amd64_garage" default to amd64 docker image
image.tag string "" set the image tag, please prefer using the chart version and not this to avoid compatibility issues
imagePullSecrets list [] set if you need credentials to pull your custom image
ingress.s3.api.annotations object {} Rely either on the className or the annotation below but not both! If you want to use the className, set className: "nginx" and replace "nginx" by an Ingress controller name, examples here.
ingress.s3.api.enabled bool false
ingress.s3.api.hosts[0] object {"host":"s3.garage.tld","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]} garage S3 API endpoint, to be used with awscli for example
ingress.s3.api.hosts[1] object {"host":"*.s3.garage.tld","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]} garage S3 API endpoint, DNS style bucket access
ingress.s3.api.labels object {}
ingress.s3.api.tls list []
ingress.s3.web.annotations object {} Rely either on the className or the annotation below but not both! If you want to use the className, set className: "nginx" and replace "nginx" by an Ingress controller name, examples here.
ingress.s3.web.enabled bool false
ingress.s3.web.hosts[0] object {"host":"*.web.garage.tld","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]} wildcard website access with bucket name prefix
ingress.s3.web.hosts[1] object {"host":"","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]} specific bucket access with FQDN bucket
ingress.s3.web.labels object {}
ingress.s3.web.tls list []
initImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
initImage.repository string "busybox"
initImage.tag string "stable"
monitoring.metrics.enabled bool false If true, a service for monitoring is created with a annotation
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false If true, a ServiceMonitor CRD is created for a prometheus operator
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval string "15s"
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.labels object {}
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.path string "/metrics"
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings list []
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.scheme string "http"
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string "10s"
monitoring.metrics.serviceMonitor.tlsConfig object {}
monitoring.tracing.sink string "" specify a sink endpoint for OpenTelemetry Traces, eg. http://localhost:4317
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {} string "/var/lib/garage/data" string "100Mi"
persistence.enabled bool true
persistence.meta.hostPath string "/var/lib/garage/meta"
persistence.meta.size string "100Mi"
podAnnotations object {} additonal pod annotations
podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 1000
podSecurityContext.runAsGroup int 1000
podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 1000
resources object {}
securityContext.capabilities object {"drop":["ALL"]} The default security context is heavily restricted, feel free to tune it to your requirements
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true
service.s3.api.port int 3900
service.s3.web.port int 3902
service.type string "ClusterIP" You can rely on any service to expose your cluster - ClusterIP (+ Ingress) - NodePort (+ Ingress) - LoadBalancer
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list []

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2