Merge pull request 'Jepsen testing (NLnet task 3 subtask 1)' (#544) from jepsen into main

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2024-01-11 10:52:12 +00:00
commit 723e56b37f
22 changed files with 1045 additions and 0 deletions

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use nix

script/jepsen.garage/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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# jepsen.garage
Jepsen checking of Garage consistency properties.
## Usage
- vagrant
- VirtualBox, configured so that nodes can take an IP in a private network `` (it's the default)
- a user that can create VirtualBox VMs
- leiningen
- gnuplot
Set up VMs before running tests:
vagrant up
Run tests: see commands below.
## Results
### Register linear, without timestamp patch
Command: `lein run test --nodes-file nodes.vagrant --time-limit 60 --rate 100 --concurrency 20 --workload reg1 --ops-per-key 100`
Results without timestamp patch:
- Fails with a simple clock-scramble nemesis (`--scenario c`).
Explanation: without the timestamp patch, nodes will create objects using their
local clock only as a timestamp, so the ordering will be all over the place if
clocks are scrambled.
Results with timestamp patch (`--patch tsfix2`):
- No failure with clock-scramble nemesis
- Fails with clock-scramble nemesis + partition nemesis (`--scenario cp`).
**This test is expected to fail.**
Indeed, S3 objects are not meant to behave like linearizable registers.
TODO explain using a counter-example
### Read-after-write CRDT register model
Command: `lein run test --nodes-file nodes.vagrant --time-limit 60 --rate 100 --concurrency 100 --workload reg2 --ops-per-key 100`
Results without timestamp patch:
- Fails with a simple clock-scramble nemesis (`--scenario c`).
Explanation: old values are not overwritten correctly when their timestamps are in the future.
Results with timestamp patch (`--patch tsfix2`):
- No failures with clock-scramble nemesis + partition nemesis (`--scenario cp`).
This proves that `tsfix2` (PR#543) does improve consistency.
- **Fails with layout reconfiguration nemesis** (`--scenario r`).
Example of a failed run: `garage reg2/20231024T120806.899+0200`.
This is the failure mode we are looking for and trying to fix for NLnet task 3.
Results with NLnet task 3 code (commit 707442f5de, `--patch task3a`):
- No failures with `--scenario r` (0 of 10 runs), `--scenario pr` (0 of 10 runs),
`--scenario cpr` (0 of 10 runs) and `--scenario dpr` (0 of 10 runs).
- Same with `--patch task3c` (commit `0041b013`, the final version).
### Set, basic test (write some items, then read)
Command: `lein run test --nodes-file nodes.vagrant --time-limit 60 --rate 200 --concurrency 200 --workload set1 --ops-per-key 100`
Results without NLnet task3 code (`--patch tsfix2`):
- For now, no failures with clock-scramble nemesis + partition nemesis -> TODO long test run
- Does not seem to fail with only the layout reconfiguation nemesis (<10 runs), although theoretically it could
- **Fails with the partition + layout reconfiguration nemesis** (`--scenario pr`).
Example of a failed run: `garage set1/20231024T172214.488+0200` (1 failure in 4 runs).
This is the failure mode we are looking for and trying to fix for NLnet task 3.
Results with NLnet task 3 code (commit 707442f5de, `--patch task3a`):
- The tests are buggy and often result in an "unknown" validity status, which
is caused by some requests not returning results during network partitions or
other nemesis-induced broken cluster states. However, when the tests were
able to finish, there were no failures with scenarios `r`, `pr`, `cpr`,
### Set, continuous test (interspersed reads and writes)
Command: `lein run test --nodes-file nodes.vagrant --time-limit 60 --rate 100 --concurrency 100 --workload set2 --ops-per-key 100`
Results without NLnet task3 code (`--patch tsfix2`):
- No failures with clock-scramble nemesis + db nemesis + partition nemesis (`--scenario cdp`) (0 failures in 10 runs).
- **Fails with just layout reconfiguration nemesis** (`--scenario r`).
Example of a failed run: `garage set2/20231025T141940.198+0200` (10 failures in 10 runs).
This is the failure mode we are looking for and trying to fix for NLnet task 3.
Results with NLnet task3 code (commit 707442f5de, `--patch task3a`):
- No failures with `--scenario r` (0 of 10 runs), `--scenario pr` (0 of 10 runs),
`--scenario cpr` (0 of 10 runs) and `--scenario dpr` (0 of 10 runs).
- Same with `--patch task3c` (commit `0041b013`, the final version).
## NLnet task 3 final results
- With code from task3 (`--patch task3c`): [reg2 and set2](results/Results-2023-12-13-task3c.png), [set1](results/Results-2023-12-14-task3-set1.png).
- Without (`--patch tsfix2`): [reg2 and set2](results/Results-2023-12-13-tsfix2.png), set1 TBD.
## Investigating (and fixing) errors
### Segfaults
They are due to the download being interrupted in the middle (^C during first launch on clean VMs), the `garage` binary is truncated.
Add `:force?` to the `cached-wget!` call in `daemon.clj` to re-download the binary,
or restar the VMs to clear temporary files.
### In `jepsen.garage`: prefix wierdness
In `store/garage set1/20231019T163358.615+0200`:
INFO [2023-10-19 16:35:20,977] clojure-agent-send-off-pool-207 - jepsen.garage.set list results for prefix set20/ : (set13/0 set13/1 set13/10 set13/11 set13/12 set13/13 set13/14 set13/15 set13/16 set13/17 set13/18 set13/19 set13/2 set13/20 set13/21 set13/22 set13/23 set13/24 set13/25 set13/26 set13/27 set13/28 set13/29 set13/3 set13/30 set13/31 set13/32 set13/33 set13/34 set13/35 set13/36 set13/37 set13/38 set13/39 set13/4 set13/40 set13/41 set13/42 set13/43 set13/44 set13/45 set13/46 set13/47 set13/48 set13/49 set13/5 set13/50 set13/51 set13/52 set13/53 set13/54 set13/55 set13/56 set13/57 set13/58 set13/59 set13/6 set13/60 set13/61 set13/62 set13/63 set13/64 set13/65 set13/66 set13/67 set13/68 set13/69 set13/7 set13/70 set13/71 set13/72 set13/73 set13/74 set13/75 set13/76 set13/77 set13/78 set13/79 set13/8 set13/80 set13/81 set13/82 set13/83 set13/84 set13/85 set13/86 set13/87 set13/88 set13/89 set13/9 set13/90 set13/91 set13/92 set13/93 set13/94 set13/95 set13/96 set13/97 set13/98 set13/99) (node: )
After inspecting, the actual S3 call made was with prefix "set13/", so at least this is not an error in Garage itself but in the jepsen code.
Finally found out that this was due to closures not correctly capturing their context in the list function in s3api.clj (wtf clojure?)
Not sure exactly where it came from but it seems to have been fixed by making list-inner a separate function and not a sub-function,
and passing all values that were previously in the context (creds and prefix) as additional arguments.
### `reg2` test inconsistency, even with timestamp fix
The reg2 test is our custom checker for CRDT read-after-write on individual object keys, acting as registers which can be updated.
The test fails without the timestamp fix, which is expected as the clock scrambler will prevent nodes from having a correct ordering of objects.
With the timestamp fix (`--patch tsfix1`), the happenned-before relationship should at least be respected, meaning that when a PutObject call starts
after another PutObject call has ended, the second call should overwrite the value of the first call, and that value should not be
readable by future GetObject calls.
However, we observed inconsistencies even with the timestamp fix.
The inconsistencies seemed to always happenned after writing a nil value, which translates to a DeleteObject call
instead of a PutObject. By removing the possibility of writing nil values, therefore only doing
PutObject calls, the issue disappears. There is therefore an issue to fix in DeleteObject.
The issue in DeleteObject seems to have been fixed by commit `c82d91c6bccf307186332b6c5c6fc0b128b1b2b1`, which can be used using `--patch tsfix2`.
## License
Copyright © 2023 Alex Auvolat
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.

script/jepsen.garage/Vagrantfile vendored Normal file
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# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
def vm(config, hostname, ip)
config.vm.hostname = hostname "private_network", ip: ip
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "generic/debian10"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.gui = false
vb.memory = "512"
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--vram=12"]
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
echo "root:root" | chpasswd
mkdir -p /root/.ssh
echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJpaBZdYxHqMxhv2RExAOa7nkKhPBOHupMP3mYaZ73w9 lx@lindy" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
config.vm.define "n1" do |config| vm(config, "n1", "") end
config.vm.define "n2" do |config| vm(config, "n2", "") end
config.vm.define "n3" do |config| vm(config, "n3", "") end
config.vm.define "n4" do |config| vm(config, "n4", "") end
config.vm.define "n5" do |config| vm(config, "n5", "") end
config.vm.define "n6" do |config| vm(config, "n6", "") end
config.vm.define "n7" do |config| vm(config, "n7", "") end
config.vm.define "n8" do |config| vm(config, "n8", "") end
config.vm.define "n9" do |config| vm(config, "n9", "") end
config.vm.define "n10" do |config| vm(config, "n10", "") end
config.vm.define "n11" do |config| vm(config, "n11", "") end
config.vm.define "n12" do |config| vm(config, "n12", "") end
config.vm.define "n13" do |config| vm(config, "n13", "") end
config.vm.define "n14" do |config| vm(config, "n14", "") end

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
#for ppatch in task3c task3a tsfix2; do
for ppatch in tsfix2; do
#for psc in c cp cdp r pr cpr dpr; do
for psc in cdp r pr cpr dpr; do
#for ptsk in reg2 set1 set2; do
for ptsk in set1; do
for irun in $(seq 10); do
lein run test --nodes-file nodes.vagrant \
--time-limit 60 --rate 100 --concurrency 100 --ops-per-key 100 \
--workload $ptsk --patch $ppatch --scenario $psc

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
#for ppatch in task3c tsfix2; do
for ppatch in tsfix2; do
for psc in cdp r pr cpr dpr; do
for ptsk in set1; do
for irun in $(seq 10); do
lein run test --nodes-file nodes2.vagrant \
--time-limit 60 --rate 100 --concurrency 100 --ops-per-key 100 \
--workload $ptsk --patch $ppatch --scenario $psc

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
docker stop jaeger
docker rm jaeger
# UI is on localhost:16686
# otel-grpc collector is on localhost:4317
# otel-http collector is on localhost:4318
docker run -d --name jaeger \
-p 4317:4317 \
-p 4318:4318 \
-p 16686:16686 \

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(defproject jepsen.garage "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Jepsen testing for Garage"
:url ""
:license {:name "AGPLv3"
:url ""}
:main jepsen.garage
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
[jepsen "0.3.3-SNAPSHOT"]
[amazonica "0.3.163"]]
:repl-options {:init-ns jepsen.garage})

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{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {
overlays = [
(self: super: {
jdk = super.jdk11;
jre = super.jre11;
} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
(ns jepsen.garage
[clojure.string :as str]
[checker :as checker]
[cli :as cli]
[generator :as gen]
[nemesis :as nemesis]
[tests :as tests]]
[jepsen.os.debian :as debian]
[daemon :as grg]
[nemesis :as grgNemesis]
[reg :as reg]
[set :as set]]))
(def workloads
"A map of workload names to functions that construct workloads, given opts."
{"reg1" reg/workload1
"reg2" reg/workload2
"set1" set/workload1
"set2" set/workload2})
(def scenari
"A map of scenari to the associated nemesis"
{"c" grgNemesis/scenario-c
"cp" grgNemesis/scenario-cp
"r" grgNemesis/scenario-r
"pr" grgNemesis/scenario-pr
"cpr" grgNemesis/scenario-cpr
"cdp" grgNemesis/scenario-cdp
"dpr" grgNemesis/scenario-dpr})
(def patches
"A map of patch names to Garage builds"
{"default" "v0.9.0"
"tsfix1" "d146cdd5b66ca1d3ed65ce93ca42c6db22defc09"
"tsfix2" "c82d91c6bccf307186332b6c5c6fc0b128b1b2b1"
"task3a" "707442f5de416fdbed4681a33b739f0a787b7834"
"task3b" "431b28e0cfdc9cac6c649193cf602108a8b02997"
"task3c" "0041b013a473e3ae72f50209d8f79db75a72848b"})
(def cli-opts
"Additional command line options."
[["-p" "--patch NAME" "Garage patch to use"
:default "default"
:validate [patches (cli/one-of patches)]]
["-s" "--scenario NAME" "Nemesis scenario to run"
:default "cp"
:validate [scenari (cli/one-of scenari)]]
["-r" "--rate HZ" "Approximate number of requests per second, per thread."
:default 10
:parse-fn read-string
:validate [#(and (number? %) (pos? %)) "Must be a positive number"]]
[nil "--ops-per-key NUM" "Maximum number of operations on any given key."
:default 100
:parse-fn parse-long
:validate [pos? "Must be a positive integer."]]
["-w" "--workload NAME" "Workload of test to run"
:default "reg1"
:validate [workloads (cli/one-of workloads)]]])
(defn garage-test
"Given an options map from the command line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
:concurrency, ...), constructs a test map."
(let [garage-version (get patches (:patch opts))
db (grg/db garage-version)
workload ((get workloads (:workload opts)) opts)
scenario ((get scenari (:scenario opts)) (assoc opts :db db))]
(merge tests/noop-test
{:pure-generators true
:name (str "garage-" (name (:patch opts)) " " (name (:workload opts)) " " (name (:scenario opts)))
:os debian/os
:db db
:client (:client workload)
:generator (gen/phases
(:generator workload)
(gen/stagger (/ (:rate opts)))
(gen/nemesis (:generator scenario))
(gen/time-limit (:time-limit opts)))
(gen/log "Healing cluster")
(gen/nemesis (:final-generator scenario))
(gen/log "Waiting for recovery")
(gen/sleep 10)
(gen/log "Running final generator")
(gen/clients (:final-generator workload))
(gen/log "Generators all done"))
:nemesis (:nemesis scenario)
:checker (checker/compose
{:perf (checker/perf (:perf scenario))
:workload (:checker workload)})
(defn -main
"Handles command line arguments. Can either run a test, or a web server for
browsing results."
[& args]
(cli/run! (merge (cli/single-test-cmd {:test-fn garage-test
:opt-spec cli-opts})

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
(ns jepsen.garage.daemon
(:require [ :refer :all]
[jepsen [control :as c]
[core :as jepsen]
[db :as db]]
[jepsen.control.util :as cu]))
(def base-dir "/opt/garage")
(def data-dir (str base-dir "/data"))
(def meta-dir (str base-dir "/meta"))
(def binary (str base-dir "/garage"))
(def logfile (str base-dir "/garage.log"))
(def pidfile (str base-dir "/"))
(def admin-token "icanhazadmin")
(def access-key-id "GK8bfb6a51286071c6c9cd8bc3")
(def secret-access-key "b0be95f71c1c6f16858a9edf395078b75c12ecb6b1c03385c4ae92076e4994a3")
(def bucket-name "jepsen")
(defn install!
"Download and install Garage"
[node version]
(info node "installing garage" version)
(c/exec :mkdir :-p base-dir)
(let [url (str "" version "/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/garage")
cache (cu/cached-wget! url)]
(c/exec :cp cache binary))
(c/exec :chmod :+x binary))))
(defn configure!
"Configure Garage"
(str "rpc_secret = \"0fffabe52542c2b89a56b2efb7dfd477e9dafb285c9025cbdf1de7ca21a6b372\"\n"
"rpc_bind_addr = \"\"\n"
"rpc_public_addr = \"" node ":3901\"\n"
"db_engine = \"lmdb\"\n"
"replication_mode = \"2\"\n"
"data_dir = \"" data-dir "\"\n"
"metadata_dir = \"" meta-dir "\"\n"
"s3_region = \"us-east-1\"\n"
"api_bind_addr = \"\"\n"
"api_bind_addr = \"\"\n"
"api_bind_addr = \"\"\n"
"admin_token = \"" admin-token "\"\n"
"trace_sink = \"\"\n")
(defn connect-node!
"Connect a Garage node to the rest of the cluster"
[test node]
(let [node-id (c/exec binary :node :id :-q)]
(info node "node id:" node-id)
(c/on-many (:nodes test)
(c/exec binary :node :connect node-id)))))
(defn configure-node!
"Configure a Garage node to be part of a cluster layout"
[test node]
(let [node-id (c/exec binary :node :id :-q)]
(c/on (jepsen/primary test)
(c/exec binary :layout :assign (subs node-id 0 16) :-c :1G :-z :dc1 :-t node)))))
(defn finalize-config!
"Apply the layout and create a key/bucket pair in the cluster"
(c/exec binary :layout :apply :--version 1)
(info node "garage status:" (c/exec binary :status))
(c/exec binary :key :import access-key-id secret-access-key :--yes)
(c/exec binary :bucket :create bucket-name)
(c/exec binary :bucket :allow :--read :--write bucket-name :--key access-key-id)
(info node "key info: " (c/exec binary :key :info access-key-id))))
(defn db
"Garage DB for a particular version"
(reify db/DB
(setup! [_ test node]
(install! node version)
(configure! node)
{:logfile logfile
:pidfile pidfile
:chdir base-dir
:env {:RUST_LOG "garage=debug,garage_api=trace"}}
(c/exec :sleep 3)
(jepsen/synchronize test)
(connect-node! test node)
(jepsen/synchronize test)
(configure-node! test node)
(jepsen/synchronize test)
(when (= node (jepsen/primary test))
(finalize-config! node)))
(teardown! [_ test node]
(info node "tearing down garage" version)
(cu/stop-daemon! binary pidfile)
(c/exec :rm :-rf logfile)
(c/exec :rm :-rf data-dir)
(c/exec :rm :-rf meta-dir)))
(pause! [_ test node]
(cu/grepkill! :stop binary))
(resume! [_ test node]
(cu/grepkill! :cont binary))
(kill! [_ test node]
(cu/stop-daemon! binary pidfile))
(start! [_ test node]
{:logfile logfile
:pidfile pidfile
:chdir base-dir
:env {:RUST_LOG "garage=debug,garage_api=trace"}}
(log-files [_ test node]
(defn creds
"Obtain Garage credentials for node"
{:access-key access-key-id
:secret-key secret-access-key
:endpoint (str "http://" node ":3900")
:bucket bucket-name
:client-config {:path-style-access-enabled true}})

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
(ns jepsen.garage.nemesis
(:require [ :refer :all]
[jepsen [control :as c]
[core :as jepsen]
[generator :as gen]
[nemesis :as nemesis]]
[jepsen.nemesis.combined :as combined]
[jepsen.garage.daemon :as grg]
[jepsen.control.util :as cu]))
; ---- reconfiguration nemesis ----
(defn configure-present!
"Configure node to be active in new cluster layout"
[test nodes]
(info "configure-present!" nodes)
(let [node-ids (c/on-many nodes (c/exec grg/binary :node :id :-q))
node-id-strs (map (fn [[_ v]] (subs v 0 16)) node-ids)]
(jepsen/primary test)
(apply c/exec (concat [grg/binary :layout :assign :-c :1G] node-id-strs)))))
(defn configure-absent!
"Configure nodes to be active in new cluster layout"
[test nodes]
(info "configure-absent!" nodes)
(let [node-ids (c/on-many nodes (c/exec grg/binary :node :id :-q))
node-id-strs (map (fn [[_ v]] (subs v 0 16)) node-ids)]
(jepsen/primary test)
(apply c/exec (concat [grg/binary :layout :assign :-g] node-id-strs)))))
(defn finalize-config!
"Apply the proposed cluster layout"
(let [layout-show (c/on (jepsen/primary test) (c/exec grg/binary :layout :show))
[_ layout-next-version] (re-find #"apply --version (\d+)\n" layout-show)]
(if layout-next-version
(info "layout show: " layout-show "; next-version: " layout-next-version)
(c/on (jepsen/primary test)
(c/exec grg/binary :layout :apply :--version layout-next-version)))
(info "no layout changes to apply"))))
(defn reconfigure-subset
"Reconfigure cluster with only a subset of nodes"
(reify nemesis/Nemesis
(setup! [this test] this)
(invoke! [this test op] op
(case (:f op)
(let [[keep-nodes remove-nodes]
(->> (:nodes test)
(split-at cnt))]
(info "layout split: keep " keep-nodes ", remove " remove-nodes)
(configure-present! test keep-nodes)
(configure-absent! test remove-nodes)
(finalize-config! test)
(assoc op :value keep-nodes))
(info "layout un-split: all nodes=" (:nodes test))
(configure-present! test (:nodes test))
(finalize-config! test)
(assoc op :value (:nodes test)))))
(teardown! [this test] this)))
; ---- nemesis scenari ----
(defn nemesis-op
"A generator for a single nemesis operation"
(fn [_ _] {:type :info, :f op}))
(defn reconfiguration-package
"Cluster reconfiguration nemesis package"
{:generator (->>
(gen/mix [(nemesis-op :reconfigure-start)
(nemesis-op :reconfigure-stop)])
(gen/stagger (:interval opts 5)))
:final-generator {:type :info, :f :reconfigure-stop}
:nemesis (nemesis/compose
{{:reconfigure-start :start
:reconfigure-stop :stop} (reconfigure-subset 3)})
:perf #{{:name "reconfigure"
:start #{:reconfigure-start}
:stop #{:reconfigur-stop}
:color "#A197E9"}}})
(defn scenario-c
"Clock modifying scenario"
(combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}}))
(defn scenario-cp
"Clock modifying + partition scenario"
[(combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}})
(combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})]))
(defn scenario-r
"Cluster reconfiguration scenario"
(reconfiguration-package {:interval 1}))
(defn scenario-pr
"Partition + cluster reconfiguration scenario"
[(combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})
(reconfiguration-package {:interval 1})]))
(defn scenario-cpr
"Clock scramble + partition + cluster reconfiguration scenario"
[(combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}})
(combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})
(reconfiguration-package {:interval 1})]))
(defn scenario-cdp
"Clock modifying + db + partition scenario"
[(combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}})
(combined/db-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:db :pause :kill}})
(combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})]))
(defn scenario-dpr
"Db + partition + cluster reconfiguration scenario"
[(combined/db-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:db :pause :kill}})
(combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})
(reconfiguration-package {:interval 1})]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
(ns jepsen.garage.reg
(:require [ :refer :all]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as set]
[jepsen [checker :as checker]
[cli :as cli]
[client :as client]
[control :as c]
[db :as db]
[generator :as gen]
[independent :as independent]
[nemesis :as nemesis]
[util :as util]
[tests :as tests]]
[jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
[jepsen.control.util :as cu]
[jepsen.os.debian :as debian]
[jepsen.garage.daemon :as grg]
[jepsen.garage.s3api :as s3]
[knossos.model :as model]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]))
(defn op-get [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil})
(defn op-put [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :write, :value (str (rand-int 99))})
(defn op-del [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :write, :value nil})
(defrecord RegClient [creds]
(open! [this test node]
(assoc this :creds (grg/creds node)))
(setup! [this test])
(invoke! [this test op]
(let [[k v] (:value op)]
(case (:f op)
(assoc op :type :fail, :error ::timeout)
(let [value (s3/get (:creds this) k)]
(assoc op :type :ok, :value (independent/tuple k value))))
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::timeout)
(s3/put (:creds this) k v)
(assoc op :type :ok)))))
(catch (re-find #"Unavailable" (.getMessage %)) ex
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::unavailable))
(catch (re-find #"Broken pipe" (.getMessage %)) ex
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::broken-pipe))
(catch (re-find #"Connection refused" (.getMessage %)) ex
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::connection-refused))))
(teardown! [this test])
(close! [this test]))
(defn reg-read-after-write
"Read-after-Write checker for register operations"
(reify checker/Checker
(check [this test history opts]
(let [init {:put-values {-1 nil}
:put-done #{-1}
:put-in-progress {}
:read-can-contain {}
:bad-reads #{}}
final (reduce
(fn [state op]
(let [current-values (set/union
(set (map (fn [idx] (get (:put-values state) idx)) (:put-done state)))
(set (map (fn [[_ [idx _]]] (get (:put-values state) idx)) (:put-in-progress state))))
read-can-contain (reduce
(fn [rcc [idx v]] (assoc rcc idx (set/union current-values v)))
{} (:read-can-contain state))]
(info "--------")
(info "state: " state)
(info "current-values: " current-values)
(info "read-can-contain: " read-can-contain)
(info "op: " op)
(case [(:type op) (:f op)]
([:invoke :write])
(assoc state
:read-can-contain read-can-contain
:put-values (assoc (:put-values state) (:index op) (:value op))
:put-in-progress (assoc (:put-in-progress state) (:process op) [(:index op) (:put-done state)]))
([:ok :write])
(let [[index overwrites] (get (:put-in-progress state) (:process op))]
(assoc state
:read-can-contain read-can-contain
:put-in-progress (dissoc (:put-in-progress state) (:process op))
(set/difference (:put-done state) overwrites)
([:invoke :read])
(assoc state
:read-can-contain (assoc read-can-contain (:process op) current-values))
([:ok :read])
(let [this-read-can-contain (get read-can-contain (:process op))
bad-reads (if (contains? this-read-can-contain (:value op))
(:bad-reads state)
(conj (:bad-reads state) [(:process op) (:index op) (:value op) this-read-can-contain]))]
(info "this-read-can-contain: " this-read-can-contain)
(assoc state
:read-can-contain (dissoc read-can-contain (:process op))
:bad-reads bad-reads))
init history)
valid? (empty? (:bad-reads final))]
(assoc final :valid? valid?)))))
(defn workload-common
"Common parts of workload"
{:client (RegClient. nil)
:generator (independent/concurrent-generator
(fn [k]
(gen/mix [op-get op-put op-del])
(gen/limit (:ops-per-key opts)))))})
(defn workload1
"Tests linearizable reads and writes"
(assoc (workload-common opts)
:checker (independent/checker
{:linear (checker/linearizable
{:model (model/register)
:algorithm :linear})
:timeline (timeline/html)}))))
(defn workload2
"Tests CRDT reads and writes"
(assoc (workload-common opts)
:checker (independent/checker
{:reg-read-after-write (reg-read-after-write)
:timeline (timeline/html)}))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
(ns jepsen.garage.s3api
(:require [ :refer :all]
[jepsen [control :as c]]
[ :as s3]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]))
(defn get
"Helper for GetObject"
[creds k]
(-> (s3/get-object creds (:bucket creds) k)
(catch (re-find #"Key not found" (.getMessage %)) ex
(defn put
"Helper for PutObject or DeleteObject (is a delete if value is nil)"
[creds k v]
(if (= v nil)
(s3/delete-object creds
:bucket-name (:bucket creds)
:key k)
(let [some-bytes (.getBytes v "UTF-8")
bytes-stream ( some-bytes)]
(s3/put-object creds
:bucket-name (:bucket creds)
:key k
:input-stream bytes-stream
:metadata {:content-length (count some-bytes)}))))
(defn list-inner [creds prefix ct accum]
(let [list-result (s3/list-objects-v2 creds
{:bucket-name (:bucket creds)
:prefix prefix
:continuation-token ct})
new-object-summaries (:object-summaries list-result)
new-objects (map (fn [d] (:key d)) new-object-summaries)
objects (concat new-objects accum)]
(if (:truncated? list-result)
(list-inner creds prefix (:next-continuation-token list-result) objects)
(defn list
"Helper for ListObjects -- just lists everything in the bucket"
[creds prefix]
(list-inner creds prefix nil []))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
(ns jepsen.garage.set
(:require [ :refer :all]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as set]
[jepsen [checker :as checker]
[cli :as cli]
[client :as client]
[control :as c]
[checker :as checker]
[db :as db]
[generator :as gen]
[independent :as independent]
[nemesis :as nemesis]
[util :as util]
[tests :as tests]]
[jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
[jepsen.control.util :as cu]
[jepsen.os.debian :as debian]
[jepsen.garage.daemon :as grg]
[jepsen.garage.s3api :as s3]
[knossos.model :as model]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]))
(defn op-add-rand100 [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :add, :value (rand-int 100)})
(defn op-read [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil})
(defrecord SetClient [creds]
(open! [this test node]
(assoc this :creds (grg/creds node)))
(setup! [this test])
(invoke! [this test op]
(let [[k v] (:value op)
prefix (str "set" k "/")]
(case (:f op)
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::timeout)
(s3/put (:creds this) (str prefix v) "present")
(assoc op :type :ok)))
(assoc op :type :fail, :error ::timeout)
(let [items (s3/list (:creds this) prefix)]
(let [items-stripped (map (fn [o]
(assert (str/starts-with? o prefix))
(str/replace-first o prefix "")) items)
items-set (set (map parse-long items-stripped))]
(assoc op :type :ok, :value (independent/tuple k items-set))))))))
(catch (re-find #"Unavailable" (.getMessage %)) ex
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::unavailable))
(catch (re-find #"Broken pipe" (.getMessage %)) ex
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::broken-pipe))
(catch (re-find #"Connection refused" (.getMessage %)) ex
(assoc op :type :info, :error ::connection-refused))))
(teardown! [this test])
(close! [this test]))
(defn set-read-after-write
"Read-after-Write checker for set operations"
(reify checker/Checker
(check [this test history opts]
(let [init {:add-started #{}
:add-done #{}
:read-must-contain {}
:missed #{}
:unexpected #{}}
final (reduce
(fn [state op]
(case [(:type op) (:f op)]
([:invoke :add])
(assoc state :add-started (conj (:add-started state) (:value op)))
([:ok :add])
(assoc state :add-done (conj (:add-done state) (:value op)))
([:invoke :read])
(assoc-in state [:read-must-contain (:process op)] (:add-done state))
([:ok :read])
(let [read-must-contain (get (:read-must-contain state) (:process op))
new-missed (set/difference read-must-contain (:value op))
new-unexpected (set/difference (:value op) (:add-started state))]
(assoc state
:read-must-contain (dissoc (:read-must-contain state) (:process op))
:missed (set/union (:missed state) new-missed),
:unexpected (set/union (:unexpected state) new-unexpected)))
init history)
valid? (and (empty? (:missed final)) (empty? (:unexpected final)))]
(assoc final :valid? valid?)))))
(defn workload1
"Tests insertions and deletions"
{:client (SetClient. nil)
:checker (independent/checker
{:set (checker/set)
:timeline (timeline/html)}))
:generator (independent/concurrent-generator
(range 100)
(fn [k]
(->> (range)
(map (fn [x] {:type :invoke, :f :add, :value x}))
(gen/limit (:ops-per-key opts)))))
:final-generator (independent/concurrent-generator
(range 100)
(fn [k]
(gen/once op-read)
(gen/sleep 5))))})
(defn workload2
"Tests insertions and deletions"
{:client (SetClient. nil)
:checker (independent/checker
{:set-read-after-write (set-read-after-write)
; :set-full (checker/set-full {:linearizable? false})
:timeline (timeline/html)}))
:generator (independent/concurrent-generator
(fn [k]
(->> (gen/mix [op-add-rand100 op-read])
(gen/limit (:ops-per-key opts)))))})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(ns jepsen.garage-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[jepsen.garage :refer :all]))
(deftest a-test
(testing "FIXME, I fail."
(is (= 0 1))))