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\title{Introducing Garage}
\subtitle{a new storage platform for self-hosted geo-distributed clusters}
\author{Deuxfleurs Association}
\date{FOSDEM '22}
{\large\bf Deuxfleurs Association}
Matrix channel: \texttt{\#garage:deuxfleurs.fr}
\frametitle{Our objective at Deuxfleurs}
\textbf{Promote self-hosting and small-scale hosting\\
as an alternative to large cloud providers}
Why is it hard?
{\footnotesize (we want good uptime/availability with low supervision)}
\frametitle{How to be resilient (the hard way)}
Entreprise-grade systems typically employ:
\item RAID
\item Redundant power grid + UPS
\item Redundant Internet connections
\item Low-latency links
\item ...
$\to$ it's costly and only worth it at DC scale
\frametitle{How to be resilient (the \underline{\textbf{cheap}} way)}
Instead, we use:
\item \textcolor<2->{gray}{Commodity hardware (e.g. old desktop PCs)}
\item<4-> \textcolor<5->{gray}{Commodity Internet (e.g. FTTB, FTTH) and power grid}
\item<5-> \textcolor<6->{gray}{\textbf{Geographical redundancy} (multi-site replication)}
\frametitle{How to make this happen}
\frametitle{Distributed file systems are slow}
File systems are complex, for example:
\item Concurrent modification by several processes
\item Folder hierarchies
\item Other requirements of the POSIX spec
Coordination in a distributed system is costly
Costs explode with commodity hardware / Internet connections\\
{\small (we experienced this!)}
\frametitle{A simpler solution: object storage}
Only two operations:
\item Put an object at a key
\item Retrieve an object from its key
{\footnotesize (and a few others)}
Sufficient for many applications!
\frametitle{A simpler solution: object storage}
S3: a de-facto standard, many compatible applications
MinIO is self-hostable but not suited for geo-distributed deployments
\frametitle{But what is Garage, exactly?}
\textbf{Garage is a self-hosted drop-in replacement for the Amazon S3 object store}\\
that implements resilience through geographical redundancy on commodity hardware
\frametitle{What makes Garage different?}
\item No Raft or Paxos
\item Internal data types are CRDTs
\item All nodes are equivalent (no master/leader/index node)
$\to$ less sensitive to higher latencies between nodes
\frametitle{What makes Garage different?}
\frametitle{What makes Garage different?}
\textbf{Consistency model:}
\item Not ACID (not required by S3 spec) / not linearizable
\item \textbf{Read-after-write consistency}\\
{\footnotesize (stronger than eventual consistency)}
\frametitle{What makes Garage different?}
Garage replicates data on different zones when possible
\frametitle{What makes Garage different?}
\frametitle{An ever-increasing compatibility list}
\frametitle{Get Garage now!}
Matrix channel: \texttt{\#garage:deuxfleurs.fr}
\frametitle{Demo time!}
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